When your family needs the best care possible, make sure you choose an #integritydoctor.

So what makes an Integrity Doctor different?

Integrity Doctors LOVE their purpose.  This is more than a job.  We are born to heal.  It is a privilege to take on this purpose and an honor to change the health of our land. We believe we are World Changers.  We are inspired by this purpose.  We have DRIVE!  It makes practice and makes life fun and fulfilling.

Integrity Doctors are Giving Doctors.  This is one of our guiding principles.  We promote wellness and we give back.  This past year Integrity Doctors gave more than 2 million dollars to causes of their choosing.  We are not here to take – we are models of giving.

Integrity Doctors are Doctors of Integrity. We do not cheat to win. We do not have coding schemes to cheat insurance companies.   No patient manipulation techniques or any over utilization.  We do not “give it away”.  No up front high dollar tricks.   We have integrity – we are fair. We are honest.   We do what is right for you, the patient.  We recommend only what you as the patient needs – nothing more – nothing less.

Finally, Integrity Doctors help each other.  We support! We encourage. We inspire. And we CELEBRATE every doctor’s mission to heal the community.  Here is our creed:

We ARE…Born to Heal!

We CAN… Change the health of our World!

We WILL…do whatever it takes because

We BELIEVE…we were born for this!

Continuing Education
At Integrity Doctors, we require each of our Verified Chiropractors to complete more continuing education than that of any standard chiropractic clinic! We not only want our members to stay up on the latest in health care, we show them the best ways to improve and provide better patient care and service.

We put on more than 30 live events every single year and our one-day events are second to none! Integrity Doctors are sure to be motivated and inspired all year long! Here are some of the incredible guests we’ve had recently:

Successories founder Mac Anderson
Skywalking sensation Nik Wallenda
Star of “The Blind Side” Quinton Aaron
Gold Medalist Evan Lysacek
Best Selling Author Larry Winget
And many more!

Grant Cardone

NY Times Best Selling Author

Bela Karolyi

Olympic Coaching Legend

Steven K Scott

NY Times Best Selling Author

No More Pain At Work!

About a month ago, a friend and patient of ours referred in his neighbor. He was in such pain, that he had been off of work for two weeks, and the only position he could be in without any pain was laying on his stomach. This obviously worked great for chiropractic!...

Chiropractic Saved My Daughter’s Life!

Last year we had a 17 year old patient who was an honor role student and a dancer who presented as a patient with moderate scoliosis, sciatica, unexplained left arm swelling, severe headaches and a problem with a fainting for over a year.  Through the course of a year...

Child Saved From Torticollis!

My little family of three have been chiropractic patients for over 6 months now. Chiropractic has helped my husband with his back pain that is caused by a herniated disc. Helped me with my neck and lower back pain that comes from toting around a toddler all day....

No More Tummy Troubles!

Last week, a pediatrician referred a 14 month old little boy in for an evaluation. He has been diagnosed with “failure to thrive–unknown etiology”.  He had no appetite and cried all the time, and the mom said he never slept through the night.  The boy has a twin...

Ear Infections Be Gone!

I had a mother bring in her  9 month old boy with ear problems to try chiropractic treatments.  While taking his history she stated that he had 3 ear infections in two months and he was scheduled for surgery to put tubes in his ear.  He was constantly crying,...

I No Longer Need Surgery!

A patient suffering from debilitating lower back pain for the past three months, self-employed HVAC man unable to work a full day at work and therefore unable to bring in enough income, had been treating his pain with the standard prescriptions of muscle relaxers,...

My Child No Longer Needs Prescriptions!

I had a little 8 year old boy that came in for a wellness chiropractic visit today.  His mom brought him to me last year because she was fed up with him being sick all the time.  His entire life he has been in and out of the pediatrician and on tons of antibiotics. ...

My Knee Pain Is Gone!

We had a man in his mid 40’s come in for treatment of a severe upper neck problem. During the history he mentioned that he had suffered from severe pain in both knees since he was a teenager. He worked much overtime at a manual job and had to ice his knees 2-3 times...

Chiropractic Works For Kids!

Here’s My Chiropractic Miracle: Every third Tuesday of the month children under 12 are free in my office. Many of our Amish patients have 4+ children and are blessed by this service. One child had Meningitis as a baby and lost hearing and is developing at a slower...

Success Treating Vertigo!

A patient had been suffering from terrible vertigo on a daily basis. With reports of arm tingling down to the hands and fingertip burning sensations with an occasional arm numbness. The patient had already went to several medical doctors, tried 2 CT Scans and a nerve...

No Longer Needs Anti-Depressants!

We had a 22 year old female patient come in 2 months ago with a history of sinus infections, sinus headaches,  and depression.  To help with er symptoms she was resulting to the daily use of anti-depressants and sinus medication for more than a year.  She also...

No More Scoliosis!

I just took a 12 month follow-up X-ray of a 10 year old boy, his mother started him under care 1 year ago and has followed all my recommendations…he had a 12 degree scoliosis in his lumbar spine and a 10 mm pelvic imbalance…I showed his new XRAYS to her and him today...

I’m Now A Better Bowler!

We have been treating a woman who fell and had lower back pain.  The patient is on a bowling team where pretty much all other players are chiropractic patients and they all told her to come and see our office even though she was very hesitant.  Now that she has been...

11 Month Old Avoids Tests And Procedures!

We had a 11 month old come in who had significant “mottling” on both legs where his legs would turn different shades of white/blue in a variegated pattern. After adjusting the child several times to alleviate a mild sacroiliac subluxation the mottling cleared up and...

My Daughter Is Sleeping Again!

A patient of mine referred her neighbor in because of her daughter’s health problems.  Twin girls, two of the sweetest little girls I have ever seen.  The twin who was scheduled with me is “The sick one.”  If there is a sickness she gets it worse than her siblings. ...

I No Longer Need A Walker!

“Tina” came to us as a “last hope”. Here she was, 30 years old, on a walker, and even then hardly able to move herself around. When she moved the pain in her lower back and hips was excruciating!  This all started after the birth of her first child. It seems the...

Experiencing The Fountain Of Youth!

We had a young, 84 year old woman who had severe spinal stenosis from her sacrum to her head, that was referred by her Medical Doctor. She had been to our office before, but was referred back to us after her MD said that there was nothing more that he could help her...

Chiropractic saves teenager from surgery!

We had a 14 year old female patient who was vomiting about 80 times a day due to what we believed was a gymnastics injury taht happened about 2 months prior to the vomiting starting.  Her parents had taken her multiple doctors and specialists and the only solution...

No More Headaches!

We had a patient in her mid 70’s who had been getting severe headaches most of her life.  After just a few visits and getting chiropractic adjustments, her headaches are gone.  She rarely has any headache pain, and when she does, it is very mild and goes away quickly....

Four Year Old No Longer Needs Laxatives!

A four year old  was referred to our office by his grandmother.  The child had not been diagnosed by his medical doctors, but at 4 years old he is not able to walk, talk, sit up on own, or feed himself. His eyes would constantly rollback in his head and he could not...

No Longer A Skeptic!

We had a new patient reluctantly come in with Low Back Pain under his wife’s “persistent” encouragement.  His wife had been a chiropractic wellness patient for several years.  The husband began treatment and responded well to his care.  After completing his initial...