My little family of three have been chiropractic patients for over 6 months now. Chiropractic has helped my husband with his back pain that is caused by a herniated disc. Helped me with my neck and lower back pain that comes from toting around a toddler all day. However, the things it has done for my 2 year old daughter are simply amazing! She was diagnosed with a mild case of Torticollis when she was an infant. After starting chiropractic treatments, our little girl’s Torticollis had cleared up for the most part (well at least she was holding her head up almost completely straight) however the muscles on one side of her neck were still very underdeveloped. She also started having issues with her speech and screaming when we would try to clean her ears. We took her to an ENT specialist and they attempted to do a hearing test on her, which she refused to let them do. They also checked her ears and after a big fight from one terrified little girl they told us that she has some fluid on her ears but because she did not have a history of infection they were going to wait 6 weeks and check her again before scheduling any kind of surgery to install tubes because it could be a cold, which she did not have any symptoms of. We discussed this with our chiropractor and they came up with a plan for our little girl. The changes were almost immediate. She started to pick up on new words, let us clean her ears with q-tips without so much as a whimper, and just seemed happier in general. After 6 weeks we took her back for a follow up visit with the ENT Specialist. She let them do the hearing test, which came back perfect, and the fluid was gone! I should also mention that the muscle development on the one side of her neck is getting close to normal! We couldn’t be happier with chiropractic care!
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