We had a young, 84 year old woman who had severe spinal stenosis from her sacrum to her head, that was referred by her Medical Doctor. She had been to our office before, but was referred back to us after her MD said that there was nothing more that he could help her with and Chiropractic had helped her before. She was not a good candidate for surgery because she just had a clot in her calf that she was hospitalized for in the past month. The patient started being adjusted four times per week in the first two weeks and then had her first re-exam.
When we gave her the re-exam folder and discussed that she had improved 38% on her disability index and 40% reduced pain scores, the patient said that she did feel better most days. We all celebrated with her and told her that these are the results of 18 year olds, so she must of gone through the “Fountain of Youth” the last two weeks. Her husband asked early on that we told about success stories and what if she did not have success? I told them that we would know in the first 2 weeks. Well, I would say that we had success with one of the toughest spinal stenosis cases that walks the planet, Chiropractic Works Again!
Submitted by: http://branniganchiropractic.com